Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Visit From Nana, Papa, and Great Nana

Lots of stuff goin on around here. We enjoyed a visit from Nana, Papa, and Great Nana. Fiona showed of her adorable smiles and laughs, while Great Nana shared her famous Kit Kats with Claudia and Amelia.

Tuesday was Claudia's last day of pre-school. It'll be nice to not have to get the 4 of us up and out of the house for 9 Am 2 days a week. But I will miss Claudia and Amelia having a couple hours apart. Those 2 are getting crazier and crazier together the older Amelia gets. They really keep me on my toes. Some days I wish i had my kids 10 years apart and that they didn't want anything to do with each other.

Fiona had her 4 month appointment today. She's in the 75th percentile for both height and weight which are 24.5 inches and 14 pounds 9 ounces. She's 2 ounces heavier than Claudia was at 4 months and Claudia was a chunky baby! Fiona's really packin it on, considering she was born over 1 pound less than Claudia! Crazy! We put her in her exersaucer for the 1st time which she loved, and she'll get her first taste of solids on Friday. I love that 4 month mark because they're able to do so much more at that point. She's growing up so fast!

Amelia joins in Claudia's school dance.

Claudia's best buds on their last day of school.

Fiona in her exersaucer for the 1st time.

She was in awe of the sun.

Claudia writes her whole name. Complete with the infamous backward 'S'.

A festive game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Well this was my first Mother's Day as a Mom of 3. As a reward, I got my Mother's ring from my family which I love! I also got breakfast in bed, I worked out, enjoyed taking a nice, long bath, drank some Bud Light Lime, and ordered Olive Garden to go. It was a perfect day.

Miss Fiona can now roll from belly-to-back and back-to-belly. She practices her new moves in her crib at night and woke us up at 5Am this morning when she got stuck up against the side rail and got very frustrated. I was really looking forward to only having 2 out of 3 kids mobile, but it seems Fiona is working hard trying to keep up with her sisters. I will enjoy this last bit of peace while I can. I can't imagine what it will be like once I have 3 kids running around. I think I'll just keep tripping Fiona to discourage her from walking someday. ;)
Claudia's pride and joy: her sandtable.

Smelling my lilacs.
Crushing my lilacs. I don't even know why I'm going to plant annuals this year.
I think this is our 1st family pic. Although 2 are watching the TV and one is looking as another's back.
So I got brave and wanted my 1st ever pic of me with all 3 of my girls. It didn't go as I'd hoped...
Cue the Bud Light Lime...