Claudia continues strutting herself with her brand new haircut. She's such a good girl and big helper around the house. She has only 7 school days left which I'm actually excited about. School mornings are crazy around here with trying to get all of us up and ready to leave the house by 8:30. She says she'd like to do gymnastics classes this summer.
Amelia is usually busy adding another injury to her reportoire. In the past week she's had 2 accidents that included bleeding from the mouth. She's slowly becoming a good helper as far as the baby goes. She likes to stuff the binky in the baby's mouth when the baby clearly doesn't want it and likes to wipe her mouth with the burp cloth.
I actually got some cute pics of all my girls together in 1 picture! The moon and starts must have alligned just right this day for this strange occurence to happen.