Aunt Kim and cousin Josh came for a nice visit over Memorial Day weekend. Poor Claudia talked Josh's ear off 24/7. He was a really great sport. Even slept in a pink bunkbed. We also made a trip up to Erie to help celebrate our Godson Marshall's 1st B-Day.
Fiona has started eating solids. It was a pretty slow warm up, but she's finally got the hang of it. Instead of prying her mouth open with the spoon, she's got her mouth open wide like a little baby bird waiting for the next bite. She's more and more fun everyday.

Smash cake for all.

The bouncy house at Marshall's 1st B-Day party...that Claudia threw up in...

A suffocating nap

Aunt Kim

Cousin Josh

Looking at this pic, I forgot what a hot, sunny, DRY day looked like!
Just how I envisioned our swingset would look one day.

Waiting for Daddy to come home. I was a little offended.