Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's been awhile!

So, it's been awhile! But having a new little life to document is motivation enough to keep up with this thing. Let's give this another go...

Claudia is now 4 and SO much fun. Her imagination just runs wild, which is both a good and a bad thing. The timing of having a new baby and Claudia claiming monsters were in her room in the middle of the night was not so good. She's finally out of Pull-ups at night, but still has the occassional accident. Needless to say, we're usually up in the middle of the night with 1 of our 3 children.

Amelia is growing into such a fun little girl. She loves wearing hats, sunglasses, jewelry, shoes, etc. She's my little girly girl and loves to dress-up in everything and anything. As much as she loves dressing up, though, she loves to undress when she goes to bed. We're one little exploration away from a big mess since she loves to take off her pants, but hasn't gotten the diaper off yet. She knows she gets in big trouble for this, so one morning I found her pants on inside out with the tag in front. Ummm, yeah. Totally busted!

Fiona is a dollbaby. Always smiling, talking, already laughing, and so much fun. She's very social so she's always happy just to be around us. She ADORES her big sisters, and their friends as well. She started sleeping through the night around 6 weeks old, thank God. She sleeps from 7:30-7:30 every night, but is the world's worst napper. This poses a big issue for me since I have many other things I need to get accomplished throughout the day. This too shall pass, I think. She's also painfully close to rolling over. I can't believe she's almost 3 months already and about to explode developmentally.
I've turned Claudia on to online shopping. I let her pick her Gymboree order and was so excited for it to magically appear on her doorstep and try it all on. Daddy's in trouble x 3.

Baby Einstein ain't just for babies.

Amelia= Binky patrol.

You have to be a good sport when you're the youngest of 3.

She has to hug all 6 of the arbor vites in the back of our yard everytime she goes outside.

My compromise to a sandbox.

About 20 seconds after this picture was taken, I picked Fiona up to burp her and she threw up all over the chair and ottoman. This is the last time Claudia ever gave Fiona a bottle.

Amelia's favorite thing to do to the baby. Poke her. Sometimes even in the eye.

And video of Miss Fiona laughing:


Nana said...

The pics are all great. I missed seeing them. I like Claudia's hair but it makes her look like such a big girl. She is growing up too fast. Amelia is definitly a little diva. I am amazed at how much Fiona has changed in a few weeks. Kiss them all for me.

Diane said...

WOW!! I am so happy to get the girls back on the blog. I have missed them and they are just beautiful. A lot of work but, so, so much fun. Thanks for taking the time in your extremely busy day to let us keep up with them. Can't wait to see you all in Aug. Kisses to each!!

Grandma Kemp said...

Grandma Kemp said...Aunt Joanne and I enjoyed looking at the pictures of your beautiful little girls. They really have grown a lot since I saw them last. I sure do miss them. I am sending lots of hugs and kisses. Talk to you soon.