Trick or treating went great. Claudia is usually a good sport about everything, but I was a little nervous this year that the scary costumes might scare her. Our 1st test came very early. At the very 1st house we trick or treated at, there were some boys with really scary masks behind us. Shhe turned around and said, 'Oh, hi!' and gave them each a high five. I knew we were good to go!
Claudia's sneaky way of getting double the candy was claiming that she needed some for her and some for her 'Mimi' (what she calls Amelia). And of course people couldn't say no. They gave Claudia the extra candy for her 'baby brother'. Yes for 1 night we got to see what it felt like to have a baby boy, since that's what everyone thought Amelia was. That's where being in disguise gets you.
Claudia and her friend Hope trick or treating at the library for Halloween storytime the day before.

Claudia working the crowd.
Amelia's version of munching on a bag of chips.
Post trick-or-treating bliss!
Another successful Halloween self-portrait.
The Halloween PJ's that Nana and Papa sent.
A self-portrait attempt.
My baby who looks a freakishly lot like her cousin Casey in this picture!
Love that the Pooh lover went as Pooh. Clever little thing too that she's already figured out how to get more candy on Halloween!!!
So fun! I know we say this alot, but your girls are just too cute!
They look so so cute together. Great idea for the costumes. Please keep the pics coming. Especially love the shot of the three of you.
I love Amelia in the little hat that came with her pj's. Nice to see that Claudia was thinking of her little sister with the candy.
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