At 1 year of age, Amelia is still a big-time cuddler. Gets frustrated very easily. Is well-known for her choking incidents. Is a wonderful eater and sleeper. She went to bed last night at 7, as usual, and I had to wake *her* up this morning at 9:00. And I thought Claudia was a great sleeper! Amelia and Claudia are starting to actually play together now. In the past if Claudia took a toy from Amelia or offended her in some way, Amelia would just dissolve into tears and come searching for me to defend her. But now she's starting to defend herself and not take Claudia's crap. She fights for herself and tries to stand her little ground.
Extra sauce for the extra special birthday girl
Cake hands
The latest addition to the swingset which Amelia LOVES.
Snoozin on our trip to Michigan to see Grandma Kemp
Up for a quick snack
Then back to sleep
All we get out of Claudia on a trip is drowsy
An immediate tea party as soon as we arrived
A HUGE picture considering Amelia allows NO ONE to hold her but me or Ed.
Out to see the horses
Feeding the horses
Claudia and poor Aunt Terri. I think Claudia has Aunt Terri washing already clean dishes here. She ran that woman ragged.
And last, but not least, this is what Amelia started doing today! She started taking up to 6 steps this morning at our playdate, and this evening she decided to take a stroll across the kitchen!!!
Hard to believe that Amelia is one already. She is just beautiful - Claudia too. I think as Claudia gets older she looks even more like you, Courtney. Not so sure about Amelia yet. Love to all.
Aunt Diane
It looks like everyone had a good time over the weekend. It is hard to beleive that Amelia is one already. Now that she is walking she will really be more independent. What fun the girls will have together this summer on the swings and playhouse. Kiss them both for me.
Love, Nana
Happy Birthday Amelia!!!!
Look at the cake all over, what fun, happy birthday Amelia.
Love yas
Matt and Mindy
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