Tuesday was Claudia's last day of pre-school. It'll be nice to not have to get the 4 of us up and out of the house for 9 Am 2 days a week. But I will miss Claudia and Amelia having a couple hours apart. Those 2 are getting crazier and crazier together the older Amelia gets. They really keep me on my toes. Some days I wish i had my kids 10 years apart and that they didn't want anything to do with each other.
Fiona had her 4 month appointment today. She's in the 75th percentile for both height and weight which are 24.5 inches and 14 pounds 9 ounces. She's 2 ounces heavier than Claudia was at 4 months and Claudia was a chunky baby! Fiona's really packin it on, considering she was born over 1 pound less than Claudia! Crazy! We put her in her exersaucer for the 1st time which she loved, and she'll get her first taste of solids on Friday. I love that 4 month mark because they're able to do so much more at that point. She's growing up so fast!
Amelia joins in Claudia's school dance.