Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Big day in the Scott house. Finally at 6 months 3 weeks, Amelia has finally decided that sitting is for her. Claudia was sitting on her own at 5 months so every day that passed after Amelia turned 5 months, we swore something was wrong with her and she'd never, ever sit. She's taught me that all I need to do is majorly complain about what she's not doing and then she'll do it. She's also started lifting her arms when you go to pick her up. AND she's started clapping. It ends up looking more like praying, but praying's good, too.

Amelia's also turned into a big ham for the camera. I'm sure since it's used so often, she's learned what's expected of her.

Now that Amelia can to anywhere she wants to go via rolling, Claudia gets very peeved with her. Claudia was coloring this morning and Amelia made her way over to her and, GASP, touched her coloring book. She also acts like Amelia has cooties when she touches her. It's funny because she loves her so, so much. I'll find them in the cutest little situations when they don't know I'm watching, but it's funny to see Claudia get so annoyed with her at the same time. Now that Amelia's on the move and we're oohing and aahing over the new things she does, Claudia definitely tries to stand her position as sister #1 in the house.

Who doesn't love being covered in nice, warm laundry.

Poor Amelia's such a good sport letting her big sis feed her dinner.

'Are you really going to let her do it again?'

Said coloring book situation.

Claudia's not too happy. This proceeds Amelia chomping on a crayon. Fun times!

This sitting stuff rocks! Why didn't I do this sooner?

And some videos:


The Cerra Family said...

Ameila does look so proud of herself. Love the video of Claudia feeding A. too. Cute, cute!

Nana said...

Wow all the new things she is doing. Looks like Claudia will get a run for her money now. You will be playing referee a lot.