Not much new going on around here. Just gearing up to travel to visit my family on Friday and then our 1st Christmas at home! We're usually at my parents for Christmas, but since Claudia's getting to an age where she 'gets' Christmas more and more, we want her to sleep in her own bed on X-mas Eve and open presents from under her own tree. We're so excited to start new family traditions that are uniquely ours. We get to stay in our PJ's (although Ed nixed my grand idea of matching family PJ's :( ) all day long and feast, drink, and play. With no pressure to have to get showered and ready to be anywhere else. Ahhh, it's nice having a family of your own.
So I'll get to the pics! Lots, as usual.
The joys of a mobile baby: She now follows me around and whines at the kitchen threshold the entire time I make dinner. Fun!
Cool baby!
Of course Claudia had to have her pic taken, too.
A blatant vanity shot. Back to blonde and getting my groove back!
As you can see by the look on her face, Claudia LOVES using the potty. She actually peed in the potty!
A cruel lesson in trying to pull up on things:
Luckily, she thought it was hysterical.
Taking a lot after her big sister, 'I can do it MYSELF!'
Claudia's new freakish thing which Mommy loathes: crossing her eyes for pictures.
Our friend's little girl exchanged gifts with our girls this past weekend.

Rachel is Claudia's very 1st friend from daycare. Even though Claudia doesn't go anymore, we all still get together.

Sharing some cookies and milk.

Best buds!

Claudia and her BFF Gia also exchanged gifts.
The babies loved the wrapping paper. X-mas morning should be a hit!
Doing what girls to best: SHRIEK!
The eye crossing for pictures - made me laugh out loud! Santa's Favorite outfits are now my favorite Christmas outfits I've seen. So cute!
So glad to get an update. The girls look too cute in their Christmas dresses. Love all the pics and love you back as a blond. Have the best Christmas ever and God bless you all in the new year. xoxo Aunt Diane
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