Monday, January 5, 2009

Still ISO: The potty-trained child and crawling baby

The dust is still settling from the holidays and we're searching for every square inch in our house to store the additional toys. I was happy to see the Christmas tree go bye-bye pretty much the day after Christmas. I was sick of fishing the baby out from under it and my master plan was to start potty training with Claudia. And so I needed a baby-proofed house so that Amelia could be left to her own devices while I devoted 100% of my time to working on Claudia.

Well, potty-training didn't go too hot. Not only does Claudia now need counseling for the trauma that the potty inflicted, but so do Ed and I, because it was pretty traumatizing to see your kid scream their fool head off every time they needed to go to the bathroom. And hopefully Amelia's little brain will help her forget what went on around here.

Yeah, we really went for it. We talked about our plan with Claudia for weeks leading up to the big girl event. I thought she was excited. We went straight into panties on a Sunday morning and she was back in a diaper Tuesday morning because she was taking a chair to her dresser and sobbing and begging for a diaper. :( She's just not ready. I hate that everything I've heard/read says that girls should be potty-trained by 3. Not my girl.

In Amelia news, she's getting so big. At her 9 month appointment, she weighed in at 20#4oz, only 4 ounces less than Claudia was at 9 months. Claudia had a ton of rolls on her little body, but Amelia's a string bean because she's so much taller. It's funny to see how similar, but different they are. The Dr also said to start introducing dairy into her diet so she is enjoying her daily slice of American cheese. She gobbles it up like, 'Why have you been holding out on me, Mom?' Today she had grilled cheese and last night grabbed Claudia's sippy cup and drank some milk by mistake. So far, so good!

For so long I've wished her little life away because she hasn't exactly been an easy baby, but I wouldn't mind now if time started to slow a little. She's so much fun and so loving. Over the holiday, she dropped her early afternoon bottle and has started eating table food full-time. She's such a great eater, just like her big sister, and prefers foods she can feed herself. She can eat almost an entire banana and an entire piece of toast for breakfast in the morning and the other day she fed herself ravioli's. Her neat-freak Momma had to turn a blind eye to the absolute mess, but it made her happy. And hey, it's a little less work for us!

She's also started saying every variation of 'Dadda'. Da, Dadda, Daddy, but no 'Momma' yet. Not that I'm bitter. What Daddy can deny his cute little 9 month old calling for HIM at 7 AM on a Saturday morning. She ain't calling me! She's started waving and is still trying to nail down crawling. She pushes herself forward with her tippy toes, but still prefers to roll at lightening speed. Even though she isn't crawling, she's still into EVERYthing. Things that used to be safe are safe no more.

And so that's everything that's going on. Today was Claudia's 1st day back at school so it's nice to be back into the swing of things. Pics up next!
Don't let her fool you. The potty is her nemesis.
And some recent videos:
Chillin at the mall:
Amelia folds:
In this one, I love how Ed comments that there's a lot of food to pick up off the floor and Amelia takes a look:
Monkey see, Monkey do:


Kris said...

Don't they always say Dadda first? What the heck?! LOL But you are right....then HE has to get up ;)
Sorry about Claudia's hatred for the toilet. She'll probably just surprise you one day. It's hard at first. Good luck!

Nana said...

It is so cute how Amelia mimmicks everything that Claudia does. When Claudia is potty trained hopefully Mimi will mimmick that too. And maybe Claudia can teach her to say Nana.